The homestay family will:

  1. Homestay family completes the application.
  2. Homestay family meets with the Academy homestay managers.
  3. Homestay family completes the homestay info form and undergoes initial home visit and background checks.
  4. Homestay family meets homestay managers and player’s family to determine if the match is a good fit.
  5. Homestay family meets in-person with STL CITY SC's business group and officially matches by completing all legal documents, including signing a contract.
  6. Homestay family welcomes player moving in at the beginning of August.
  7. Homestay family is open to subsequent and periodic home visits throughout the player’s placement.

After completing these steps, Homestay Managers will personally select and match each player with perspective families.
All parties will meet to determine if the match is a good fit.
All parties meet in-person and officially match by completing all legal documents, including signing a contract and determining a school option.
Players will move-in at the beginning of August and school enrollment is finalized.

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